Saturday, June 11, 2011

Promise of Leaving for Zanskar

It looks like I've got a promising opportunity to leave for Zanskar tomorrow - Sonam arranged a private jeep with one of his friends. The good news about this ride is that because it is a privatly owned car driven by locals from Zanskar, we won't have any problems getting through the tourist/taxi checkpoints in Kargil. Another good reason for going with this group is that they will avoid the city of Kargil altogether, driving an extra 60km up the road to stay in a "beautiful Zanskar village." Even more so, they will actually drop me at the Zangla monastery, thus saving me a day. I will be in contact with this group today and arrange a time to leave tomorrow morning. Hopefully this will pan out!

The only bad news is that it looks like I might have to cancel my trek out of the monastery and itstead drive out via jeep (it is much easier to arrange a ride from Zanskar). This extra week I have spent in Leh was the amount of time I allotted for a trek. Now that this time has passed, that leaves me a very short period of time to live with and teach the nuns. This is my own personal decision, for I feel it is much more beneficial to spend a week in a monastery than a week trekking. Those mountains aren't going anywhere.

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